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The essentials: Creating a genuinely disability inclusive workplace

Tuesday 23rd July; 10.00am to 11.00am


With 1 in 3 of us impacted by disability, disability inclusion must be embedded throughout your organization. This requires it to be ‘business as usual’ as opposed to something that is considered an ‘extra’ or an ‘add on’. However, disability is a huge topic, and it can be difficult to know where to start your journey of building a disability inclusive workplace.

At MyPlus we take a 6-step approach to building disability confidence; in this webinar we are going to explore 3 of these. We will start with developing your strategy not least that progress is hard to achieve if you aren’t clear where you currently are and where you want to be with regards to disability inclusion, and what needs to happen to get there.

We will then move on to look at how to create an inclusive culture since diversity on its own isn’t sufficient. An environment that promotes inclusion must also be created and valued if business benefits are to be truly realized, and where all employees can be open & access the support and adjustments they require.

And finally, we will look at inclusive recruitment; no organisation intentionally has barriers in its recruitment process however it is crucial to objectively review your end-to-end process through a disability lens to ensure that no barriers exist. At each stage of the process, you need to be asking yourself the question: Are we doing enough to create a level playing field?

This webinar will be invaluable for those at the start of their disability agenda and are wondering where to begin, as well as for those who are further progressed and wish to check in on their progress and approach. It will be particularly insightful for anyone responsible for the EDI strategy and implementation at all levels.


 If disability is not on your board’s agenda, then neither is diversity

— The Valuable 500


The webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be available free to all Recruiters' Club members to access and share within their organisations for 1 month following the live event. Contact to access the recording.

MyPlus Recruiters’ Club members are entitled to 8 complimentary places.

Non-members may purchase places at a price of £95 + VAT. Contact to purchase places or to find out more about Recruiters’ Club membership.

MyPlus Webinars, like the workshops, are practical training sessions designed to up-skill those working in the disability space. Run by Helen Cooke, CEO of MyPlus and expert in disability employment, they are suitable as an introduction or refresher they are appropriate for anyone interested in disability employment.

MyPlus run a variety of these types of events for employers. For details of the different types visit our events page. For details of forthcoming Recruiters’ Club events taking place visit our events calendar page.