Employment advice for a student with a disability

Following on from the careers advice webinar for disabled students that our CEO Helen Cooke ran on the 1st of December 2020 organised by the The Thames Valley Learning Partnership (TVLP), one of the students who participated has written an article about it.

Isabella-Rose starts the article with ‘One of the rarely discussed aspects of disability is the impact of it upon students' futures in the working world, and even less the anxiety this can cause such individuals as they reach the age where this becomes a serious consideration. I myself was astonished when I heard that there was a talk available to me where someone was actually going to discuss this issue, that students like myself were not really alone in our pursuits of success in a world that often overlooks us and our needs.

She goes on to talk about what was covered by Helen, including details of all the support available on the Students’ Club website as well 5 top tips to boost your employability.

The article is concluded by Isabella-Rose ‘Though I myself stayed fairly quiet during the talk, I want to stress what an incredibly uniting experience it was even just to have my reality acknowledged, let alone addressed in such a validating and empowering way, and, as I’m sure many students did, I left feeling just a little less alone’.

To read the full article visit pages 12 and 13 of the TVLP magazine

The TVLP is an equal partnership of state and independent secondary-aged schools in Berkshire. They believe that educational experience is improved by meaningful and repeated interactions between schools of different types.